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    Make Your Own Shower

    shower is perhaps your (and ours) favourite part of the bathroom, or even the whole house. Imagine with us here: a brand-new bathroom shower with gleaming walls, the perfect shower screen and a flawless shower pan. We know the dread of having to use non-functional, dingy showers but there’s always a way to turn it all around. You can enlarge your space and tweak details here and there to customize your shower time experience to your liking and turning your bathroom shower into a relaxing personal spa.

    You might think buying a shower will usher in a host of additional expenditure: shower screens, a shower head, shower curtains and a shower caddy. But not necessarily and not always. If you are not going for a bathroom shaving cabinet or vanity perhaps a built-in shower niche in your bathroom shower might be a good idea for more storage. A shower shelf can help you tuck away those little bottles and tubes that always somehow seem to get in the way especially on hurried Monday mornings.

    A couple of pointers to help you with your shower decisions:

    Expert Tip


    Even if we don’t take the morning rush hour into account, the bathroom is often times the busiest room in the house (we’re thinking weekend parties and game nights with friends). The shower bath must also fit in seamlessly with the overall functionality of your bathroom

    Water pressure

    The type of bathroomshower you need to buy will depend on the type of water pressure at your home. If there is a combi boiler at your place for instance the water pressure will inevitably be high and in such a case it might be a wise thing to install a mixer shower. Electric showers sit well with low water pressure systems. Another benefit of this is that you will always have consistent and immediate hot water at your disposal. The water is heated only when demanded and so this can prove to be a super energy efficient system. 

    Valve it

    When it comes to bath showers and valves you usually have tow options: thermostatic shower valve and pressure balance shower valve. While the former has two handles for controlling the amount of water and water temperature respectively the latter has only a single handle to control both. If you have kids and elderly people in the house a thermostatic valve is a safer bet because it doesn’t encourage any fluctuation in the water temperature.

    Furthermore, seniors and people with mobility concerns need more often than not to be accompanied into the shower. The layout of your bathroom and the ergonomics of your bath shower should provide easy access, safety and above all comfort to one and all in the family. 120x180cm showers are the smallest that can comfortably accommodate two people. How about going for something with a wider door to facilitate easy exit and entry? How about opting for a shower chair or shower stool for upping the ante on accessibility/comfort? While non-slip shower seats and shower non slip mats play an important role in enhancing safety, an open shower is also ideal for wheelchair access.

    The curated range of showers at Zure is diverse and wide to say the least. Blending the best of aesthetics and functionality, we never compromise with the value and needs of our consumers because you deserve the best. Browse through our catalogue and choose a shower that suits your style.  

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